E-Statement Facility on your Registered Email
❖The world-wide green initiative is gaining momentum and we want to every possible to use our nature resources more responsibly.We need your help!Consider replacing your printed account statements with more secure..more convenient..more responsible electronic statements.

Benefits of E-Statement Registration.
❖ E-Statements are free and environment friendly.
❖Receive monthly E-Statements instead of quarterly printed statements, so you can track transactions better.
❖Enjoy easy access to your account statements at the click of a button, anytime and anywhere.
❖Benefits of E-Statement Registration.Protect your con.

Terms & Conditions.
❖The E statement provided is an optional facility provided to the account holders and not a compulsion by the Bank for availing such a facility.
❖You have to register your correct email id in all your account.
❖The Dahod Urban Co-Op.Bank Ltd. is not liable to verify the any authenticity of the emails.
❖e-Statement will send at the Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Half Yearly, Yearly

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